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Our Wedding Blog

Jim and Kim Edwards

Lesner Hall & Sun­set Deck

Hi Lau­ren, I wanted to say thank you for all you, and the entire Lesner staff, did for our wed­ding. The food was excel­lent, the atmos­phere and set-​up was per­fect, the staff was pro­fes­sional, accom­mo­dat­ing and pre­pared and the night was all that we could have imag­ined! We had a blast, enjoyed the com­pany of our fam­ily and friends, and soaked up the fact that we’re finally mar­ried! None of it woudl have been pos­si­ble with­out all of your hard work and ded­i­ca­tion to cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion. We are truly grate­ful and will cer­tainly be rec­om­mend­ing the Lesner Inn to any and all of our friends that are get­ting mar­ried any time soon. Thank you again for everything!