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Our Wedding Blog

Mr. & Mrs. Boys­tel

Water­side Deck

Dear Brit­tany,
We just want to say thank you for all you did for Emma’s wed­ding. I can­not imag­ine that event with­out all your advice and effort. Espe­cially on the wed­ding day, you were every­where.
You were delight­ful to work with and every­thing was just as promised – all the way to the end. We are so grate­ful!
My two favorite Lesner moments are: every so often, some­one would whis­per “Brit­tany wants you to know the coconut shrimp are right over there.” That hap­pened sev­eral times! Sec­ondly, glanc­ing through the win­dows into the small room and see­ing 2 staff mem­bers danc­ing and laugh­ing near the end of the reception…truly the sign of a suc­cess­ful wed­ding when the staff has fun too!
Thank you for mak­ing the wed­ding a joy and delight!
Bless­ing you,
Kim & Gary Boystel