When you think wedding cake what comes to mind? Is it the colorful petals added on as decoration? Is it the shape of a three tiered cake ready to be consumed? Or is it the thick, creamy frosting that you really aren’t a fan of? Well, if it’s the last one then keep on reading for more information on naked cakes!
If you’re not a fan of frosting or maybe just want something different then this cake offers a simple look while still giving off an elegant feel to your big day. Just because it’s received the nick name of “naked” doesn’t mean you’ll be delivered a dry cake without any icing. The exposed look can still include icing on your cake with a very minimal outer layer of frosting, which can go with any themed wedding!
Let’s be honest, the real flavor comes from the inside filling and fluffy cake itself! While being nude on the outside, the inside is typically filled with either jams, preserves, icing, fresh fruits or a combination of all three! Working in the wedding industry for 5 years now, I can truthfully say that I’ve seen hundreds of the same vanilla, buttercream, or the occasional chocolate exterior-iced cakes and the outside icing isn’t nearly as delicious as the inside of the cake. Sometimes cakes can have too much exterior icing – coated to the point where you feel you’ve had a mouth full of sugar after one bite. Keeping it simple on the outside gives you the choice to spice things up on the inside with a variety or flavors harmonized with a jelly or juicy fruit bits that will have your guests wanting more!
And for any couples who are in a crunch for time, planning last minute weddings, this is the perfect cake for you since it doesn’t require much attention to icing detail and is easy for your baker to assemble without much effort and may even help you if you’re looking for a budget friendly dessert option!