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Friday the 13th: Top 5 Wedding Superstitions

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Some would say that today is full of back luck and superstition, but here at the Lesner Inn all we can see is blue skies and gorgeous weddings. To settle your nerves, we’ve picked the top 5 wedding superstitions to put their origins to rest.

5. Wearing a Veil

Nowadays, not all Brides choose to wear a veil, but for those who do… it comes from Roman tradition. It was thought that by wearing a veil, the bride would be guarded from evil spirits. 

4. Crying on your Wedding Day

This is thought to be good luck for a marriage!  The idea is to cry all your tears out so that once you are married there will be no tears left to cry, and that you will live a life of joy.

3. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.

Everyone has heard this old rhyme- but do you know what it means? Something old represents the bride’s past and something new signifies the couples happy future. Whatever you choose to borrow should come from someone who is happily married in the hope that their joy will rub off on you. Lastly, the something blue represents fidelity and love.

2. Rain on your Wedding Day

Here in Virginia Beach the weather can often be unpredictable, but don’t fret! It is thought that rain on your wedding day can actually bring you fertility and cleansing. This might be comforting to the bride with weather woes.

1. Seeing Each Other Before “I Do”

Our #1 superstition is equally upheld as it is disregarded. It used to be thought that if the bride and groom saw each other before their ceremony that they would get cold feet and back out. Often times now though, many couples will meet beforehand to have a private moment together and take pictures of the special moment. However you chose to do it though is up to you!

So on this Friday the 13th, which notorious wedding superstitions will you embrace and avoid? Let us know in the comments below!